The main focus is on Owen and Christina. They both are staying at home, trying to deal with Owen’s startling revelation in episode 18. Christina is adamant that Owen tell her every little detail about his cheating episode. Owen is just as keen to avoid it as he knows it’s only hurting Christina. It is a painful day for them. And sadly ends with Owen walking out of the house with his things.
At the hospital, Mark Sloane is the acting Chief of Surgery. And he is taking on the role very seriously. Very! Seeking perfection in every detail, Mark is not proving to be a very popular chief among his peers.
Speaking of chiefs, the former chief, Richard, ignores one of Mark’s orders and goes ahead with his intuition to save a patient’s life.
Callie and Arizona arrange a ladies’ night out for Teddy. Bailey bails out after making plans with Ben. Yet, at the end all the four ladies end up spending the night together, with movies, food and drinks.
Needless to say, Meredith is quite upset about the whole Christina situation. Derek encourages her to talk to her but Meredith doesn’t think it’s a good idea. However, listening to her patient for the day convinces her otherwise and she calls her friend. Turns out to be the right move.
Studying for the boards is still highest on the residents’ priority list. They are doing some pretty desperate things. And one of these involves poor Lexie and her photographic memory. While Meredith has been declared ready for the boards by Callie. She decides to help out her fellow residents, and even Christina turns up for studying with the bunch.