
Take Your Pick

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Hope Aur Hum

Recently came across this movie and seeing Naseeruddin Shah in the starring role, had to give this one a try. The plot promised a light and fun film...and it delivered. Sweet and warm, 'Hope aur hum' has some pretty good moments throughout.
The movie tells a tale of one family...actually encompasses three generations of it. Naseeruddin Shah plays the 'Dadu' who is extremely attached to his (very old) photocopy machine. He calls the machine Mr. Soennecken endearingly. And even though the machine is no longer working well, he doesn't want to let go as it connects him to his past. That much is revealed as he fondly recalls how the whole neighborhood had lined up to see when he had first brought 'Mr. Soennecken' home. He thinks Mr. Soennecken is an artist and the photocopies a work of art.
As the old photocopy machine takes up a whole room and doesn't even work anymore, Dadu is under pressure to let it go so that his grand child, Tanu, can have a study room. Tanu and Anu are the two grandchildren and completely understand the feelings of Dadu for Mr. Soennecken. Tanu helps out by looking for the lens' replacement online so the old machine might start working again. She helps out Dadu by sending emails to the concerned companies. And Anu is quite the star of the movie. Always ready for the next mischief and crazy about cricket, his antics are adorable throughout. Quite close to Dadu, the two have some very meaningful exchanges.
The movie is about how hard it is to let go of things, especially when they connect you to the brighter past. But as Dadu remembers an advice towards the end, one should become attached to people and not things. The movie is also about destiny and how you can't really control it. Also, it's about facing off one's fears and overcoming them rather than avoiding.
I quite enjoyed it. There were some pretty nice moments and some dialogues quite deep and meaningful. Do give it a watch.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Money Heist - Season 4

Everyone's favorite Money Heist is returning for a fourth season. Obviously, since season three ended in a cliffhanger. Since then, fans have been eagerly awaiting news of a release date for the final season.

It was rumored that the wait will finally be over in January but turns out we'll have to be a little more patient. The release date for the fourth season of Money Heist is here and it comes to Netflix on the 3rd of April. We can hardly wait! Promises to be as exciting as the previous three seasons. Waiting to find out how exactly the Professor reacts. Mark your calendars people! The fourth season of Money Heist airs on the 3rd of April.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Touch Season 2 Premiere

The premiere date for Season 2 of 'Touch' was pushed back and it has been announced now. 'Touch' returns for a second season on February 1st. Its a long way off! Waiting for Friday, February 1st now.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Supernatural: Season 8 Episode 1

And Dean is back from Purgatory! The Season 8 Premiere takes us one year on from where we saw Dean disappear with Dick at the end of Season 7. Understandably so, he is in a pretty wild state.

Meanwhile, we see Sam saying goodbye to his dog and leaving behind a sleeping girl as he takes the Impala in the night. The two brothers meet and it is sort of a routine matter between the two. However, things heat up when Sam reveals to Dean that he quit hunting after Dean disappeared. What is even more startling for Dean is that Sam never tried looking for his brother. Dean is a little pissed off, to say the least.
Dean switches on the mobile phones that Sam had stashed away. He listens to multiple voice messages by Kevin, the kid Prophet. The brothers decide to track him down as he was their responsibility. The search takes them to Michigan, where Kevin’s girlfriend is attending college.
We see flashbacks of how the year had been for both brothers. Dean apparently got out of Purgatory with the help of a vampire. And he brought the vampire back into the world as part of the deal. Cass didn’t make it out of Purgatory. When Sam asks Dean if he saw Cass die, Dean replies that he saw enough. Who knows, maybe we’ll see Cass return some time later on in the season.
Sam hit a dog and brought him to a veterinarian hospital. The dog sustains injuries and the doctor shames Sam into taking the dog with him. So we took a sneak peek into how Dean and Sam spent the past year and how things came to be how they are.
Coming back to the present, the brothers manage to locate Kevin. Kevin reveals how Crowley wanted to use him to read another one of God’s words. The tablet contained writings related to demons. Kevin managed to fool Crowley at the time and escaped. He tells Dean and Sam that the tablet shows how to close off the doors of Hell forever. Needless to say, the brothers decide on the spot to take Kevin to the tablet. However, there are some unexpected guests. Demons.
Crowley tries to take away Kevin but fails. Now, Dean, Sam and Kevin are on their way to finding the tablet. Dean gets a phone call from the vampire-aide at the end of the episode. Looks like he’ll be causing a few problems down the road.